
Please make sure you are already registered in the personal database. If not, register now, otherwise you cannot fill the form for participation and the system cannot issue your invoice. (If you have forgotten your password, send an e-mail with your PIN number in the Subject of the message to organizers ( and you will obtain a new one.

Fill the order form for participation (New participant), mark all requested fields, accompanying person/s (if any), and electronic system will generate immediately your invoice. (There are different order forms for foreigners and Slovak and Czech participants. Participants from Slovakia and Czech Republic are obliged to fill the IČO and DIČ (if any) fields.)

You can print the generated invoice of your participation and accompanying person/s (if any) and pay the sum according to the data on the invoice. Signed and stamped invoices will be sent by mail to all Slovak and Czech participants and to foreigners upon the request.

Please send the copy of the bank transfer by fax or e-mail to organizers.

Later payment (after April 21, 2025) is penalized with 10% increase of fees.